Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Extend SharePoint Databases

search DBs:

For Content DBs:

moving tables between filegroups:

search objects inside filegroup(By John@sqlservercentral):

SELECT o.name AS TableOrIndex
FROM sysfiles f
JOIN dbo.sysfilegroups s
ON f.groupid = s.groupid
JOIN dbo.sysindexes i
ON i.groupid = s.groupid
JOIN dbo.sysobjects o
ON i.id = object_id(o.name)
AND i.indid in (0, 1)
WHERE f.name = 'My_Logical_File_Name'


SELECT i.name
FROM sysindexes i join sysfilegroups f ON i.groupid = f.groupid
JOIN sysfiles l ON f.groupid = l.groupid
WHERE l.name = 'My_Logical_File_Name'

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