Sunday, January 17, 2010

setting up exchange 2007 on a single server without edge server

1. install all exchange 2007 roles except edge server;
2. configure mx record;
3. create send connector;
4. create receive connector (internet) and enable anonymous access;
5. add accepted domain address space;
6. map owa web address to external web;

Sunday, January 10, 2010

KB970876 - Error 1316.A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file SSCERuntime-ENU.msi

You may receive "Error 1316.A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file Path\SSCERuntime-ENU.msi" error message when you repair an instance SQL Server 2008

vmware vcb backup & CLi commands

VCB Backup with/without VC:

vcbmounter -h virtualcenter -u vcbadmin -p MyPassword1 -a name:blackberry -r e:\vcbbackup\blackberry -t fullvm -m san
vcbmounter -h esxi host -u vcbadmin -p MyPassword1 -a name:blackberry -r e:\vcbbackup\blackberry -t fullvm -m ndb

Manage VM:

(Esxi 4)
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
vim-cmd vmsvc/ vmid
vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on vmid
vim-cmd vmsvc/power.reboot vmid

(ESx 3.5)
# vmware-cmd -l
# vmware-cmd /nas/vms/FreeBSD/FreeBSD.vmx start|stop|reset|suspend|getstat

shutdown -h now


Disable Microsoft Defender for Cloud for Visual Studio Subscription (MSDN)

I use a visual studio pro subscription which comes with $150 azure cloud credit, for some reason Microsoft Defender for Cloud was turned on ...